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Jinia Jabin Rahman



The death certificate is a permanent legal record of the fact of the deceased person. It contains of the fact when, where and most importantly how the deceased person died. The certificate is prima facie evidence of the fact of death and therefore, can be introduced in court as evidence when a question about the death arises. It is an important public document and also fundamental evidence as it is registered. Like birth certificate, death certificate need to be registered within prescribed time and to claim the inheritance property from the deceased person one need the primary evidence, the certificate of death of the deceased person. In Bangladesh under the supervision of the city corporation death certificate is provided by the application of the authorised person mentioned in the Birth and Death Registration Act, 2004 sec 7.

Required Document

Firstly and foremostly the death certificate is provided by the city corporation ofthe local jurisdiction by the authorised person, here the authorised persons are the daughter or son or guardian or the prescribed person provided by the Births and Deaths Registration Act, 2004. The authorised person need to collect the prescribe form from the local City Corporation and fill up the form. 

The form contains of : 1. Basic information of Deceased person. 2. Basic information of Deceased person's father or mother and husband or wife. 3. Address. 4. Information provider/applicants declaration. 5. Registered officials part. 6. Register's signature. 7. Applicant's part. 

Relevant Documents The necessary documents as per local government are given as follows. 1. Public or private health officers certificate, or 2. Death Certificate issued by the medical institution or doctor, or 3. A certificate copy of the autopsy report of the deceased, or 4. The caretaker of the cemetery or crematorium or funeral rites provided by the certificate copy of the receipts, or 5. Union members of the council or the municipality / city corporation councillor given by the death certificate, or 6. Death related documents such as the Registrar may require a certificate copy of a document. Required documents as per city corporation officer : 1. Certificate from cemeteries 2. Doctor's report 3. House tax copy 4. National Identity Card of the heir of the deceased person 5. National Identity Card of the deceased person Procedure The procedure for obtaining death certificate is very simple. The Applicant need to collect the application form from the local government office or from the city corporation office and also need to collect the documents aforesai those information need to be given to the officer in charge of the local government office or the city corporation office. It will take approximately one week to process the certificate. 

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